
Happy Tuesday, people. Some of you people have some strange ideas when it comes to what is classified as a guilty pleasure, you know that? Regardless, thanks to everyone who took part and everyone who listened to Friday”™s collab. Feedback, as always will be appreciated.

Today”™s playlist is one of mine. Here it is. Enjoy.

  1. LCD Soundsystem – Never As Tired As When I”™m Waking Up
  2. Chemical Brothers – Music: Response
  3. Metric – Gimme Sympathy (Adam Freeland Remix)
  4. Daft Punk – Crescendolls
  5. Leftfield – Afrika Shox
  6. DJ Shadow – Organ Donor
  7. UNKLE – In A State (Sasha Remix)
  8. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis – The Road
  9. Death In Vegas – Dirge
  10. Caribou – Melody Day
  11. Sparklehorse – Wish You Were Here
  12. A Sunny Day In Glasgow – Nitetime Rainbows
  13. Broken Social Scene – Windsurfing Nation
  14. Ungdomskulen – Modern Drummer
  15. 65daysofstatic – Retreat! Retreat!
  16. Erland And The Carnival – You Don”™t Have to Be Lonely
  17. Titus Andronicus – Four Score and Seven
  18. Eels – Mansions Of Los Feliz
  19. Memory Tapes – Bicycle
  20. Blood Red Shoes – Colours Fade
  21. The Duke Spirit – The Step And The Walk
  22. Los Campesinos! – We”™ve Got Your Back
  23. These New Puritans – We Want War
  24. Bear In Heaven – Wholehearted Mess
  25. Supergrass – Sun Hits The Sky
  26. Primal Scream – Accelerator

Some choice words.
Yes, it”™s me again so you know what you”™re getting. I had a fantastic weekend with fantastic people, but it was not without it”™s down points. As such, this playlist is a kind of “Best Of Thom”™s weekend”, only it”™s not as there was so much more awesome music that was kicked about in Spotisfaction towers and indeed out and about. Most of these tracks have some kind of meaning or reason behind me including them today, including:

LCD Soundsystem – Never As Tired As When I”™m Waking Up
I do love this album. This track is a bit of a comfort to me today. Also sums up how I felt this morning trying to get out of bed. Internal soundtrack for the win. Team Win.

Chemical Brothers – Music: Response
I haven”™t heard this in a long time, I had been meaning to put this album on specifically for this track for the last 3 or 4 months and I finally got round to it this weekend, so I”™m putting this on. Also, it makes me realise that it”™s actually Tuesday, not Monday, so 4 day week.

Metric – Gimme Sympathy (Adam Freeland Remix)
Although not a fan of the breaks scene per se, I respect the fantastic talents of Adam Freeland and his Marine Parade label. He once again works his magic on this Metric track.

Daft Punk – Crescendolls
I picked up a copy of Interstella 5555 this weekend, so in Sheps honour I present this track. Besides, you can”™t go wrong with a bit of Daft Punk. Factual.

Broken Social Scene – Windsurfing Nation
My tickets for the BSS gig in Birmingham came through this weekend, I can”™t wait to see them, and I can”™t wait to hear this track on my playlist. If you haven”™t already, check out the stuff from the upcoming album, it”™s most fantastic.

65daysofstatic – Retreat! Retreat!
Again, chucking this one as these guys are at 2000trees this year and I am DEAD EXCITED about it. So, yeah.

Titus Andronicus – Four Score and Seven
Kev remains undecided on Titus Andronicus. I put this out here for Kev to digest.

Supergrass – Sun Hits The Sky
This song is so fucking summer and anyone who disagrees deserves to be shot through the heart with a crossbolt. Hurry up, summer.

Primal Scream – Accelerator
Just this.

I”™ve been a bit all over the place recently, I haven”™t had chance to check out as much music as I”™d of liked to, so I”™m really happy at all of the awesome playlists we”™ve had in. We will be running them all, so please keep them coming. I know my playlists tend to be a little bit on the safe and predictable side, I”™ve got some real shockers coming soon.

Peace and Noise


Happy Tuesday, people. Some of you people have some strange ideas when it comes to what is classified as a guilty pleasure, you know that? Regardless, thanks to everyone who took part and everyone who listened to Friday”™s collab. Feedback, as always will be appreciated.

Today”™s playlist is one of mine. Here it is. Enjoy.

  1. LCD Soundsystem – Never As Tired As When I”™m Waking Up
  2. Chemical Brothers – Music: Response
  3. Metric – Gimme Sympathy (Adam Freeland Remix)
  4. Daft Punk – Crescendolls
  5. Leftfield – Afrika Shox
  6. DJ Shadow – Organ Donor
  7. UNKLE – In A State (Sasha Remix)
  8. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis – The Road
  9. Death In Vegas – Dirge
  10. Caribou – Melody Day
  11. Sparklehorse – Wish You Were Here
  12. A Sunny Day In Glasgow – Nitetime Rainbows
  13. Broken Social Scene – Windsurfing Nation
  14. Ungdomskulen – Modern Drummer
  15. 65daysofstatic – Retreat! Retreat!
  16. Erland And The Carnival – You Don”™t Have to Be Lonely
  17. Titus Andronicus – Four Score and Seven
  18. Eels – Mansions Of Los Feliz
  19. Memory Tapes – Bicycle
  20. Blood Red Shoes – Colours Fade
  21. The Duke Spirit – The Step And The Walk
  22. Los Campesinos! – We”™ve Got Your Back
  23. These New Puritans – We Want War
  24. Bear In Heaven – Wholehearted Mess
  25. Supergrass – Sun Hits The Sky
  26. Primal Scream – Accelerator

Some choice words.
Yes, it”™s me again so you know what you”™re getting. I had a fantastic weekend with fantastic people, but it was not without it”™s down points. As such, this playlist is a kind of “Best Of Thom”™s weekend”, only it”™s not as there was so much more awesome music that was kicked about in Spotisfaction towers and indeed out and about. Most of these tracks have some kind of meaning or reason behind me including them today, including:

LCD Soundsystem – Never As Tired As When I”™m Waking Up
I do love this album. This track is a bit of a comfort to me today. Also sums up how I felt this morning trying to get out of bed. Internal soundtrack for the win. Team Win.

Chemical Brothers – Music: Response
I haven”™t heard this in a long time, I had been meaning to put this album on specifically for this track for the last 3 or 4 months and I finally got round to it this weekend, so I”™m putting this on. Also, it makes me realise that it”™s actually Tuesday, not Monday, so 4 day week.

Metric – Gimme Sympathy (Adam Freeland Remix)
Although not a fan of the breaks scene per se, I respect the fantastic talents of Adam Freeland and his Marine Parade label. He once again works his magic on this Metric track.

Daft Punk – Crescendolls
I picked up a copy of Interstella 5555 this weekend, so in Sheps honour I present this track. Besides, you can”™t go wrong with a bit of Daft Punk. Factual.

Broken Social Scene – Windsurfing Nation
My tickets for the BSS gig in Birmingham came through this weekend, I can”™t wait to see them, and I can”™t wait to hear this track on my playlist. If you haven”™t already, check out the stuff from the upcoming album, it”™s most fantastic.

65daysofstatic – Retreat! Retreat!
Again, chucking this one as these guys are at 2000trees this year and I am DEAD EXCITED about it. So, yeah.

Titus Andronicus – Four Score and Seven
Kev remains undecided on Titus Andronicus. I put this out here for Kev to digest.

Supergrass – Sun Hits The Sky
This song is so fucking summer and anyone who disagrees deserves to be shot through the heart with a crossbolt. Hurry up, summer.

Primal Scream – Accelerator
Just this.

I”™ve been a bit all over the place recently, I haven”™t had chance to check out as much music as I”™d of liked to, so I”™m really happy at all of the awesome playlists we”™ve had in. We will be running them all, so please keep them coming. I know my playlists tend to be a little bit on the safe and predictable side, I”™ve got some real shockers coming soon.

Peace and Noise



PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: The new Bonobo album is really, really good. Check it out: Bonobo ”“ Black Sands.

Hey hey! Thursday is the new Friday (well, this week anyway). The sun is shining, the weather is sweet, and it kinda makes me want to move my little ol”™ dancing feet.

Tomorrow, as you well know, is a bank holiday. Since we”™re not at work, we”™ve decided to run a collaborative playlist on the theme of “Guilty Pleasures”. You can find the playlist HERE – get adding your tracks, and we”™ll publish it tomorrow. We”™re expecting the demand to be pretty high for this bad-boy, so try not to add more than 2 or 3 tracks, otherwise it”™ll be far too big (huh huh that”™s what she said).

Anyway, today”™s is one of mine. Enjoy!


Find the playlist RIGHT HEREZLES!

David”™s Attempt At A Kind Of Lo-Fi, Downtempo Mix, Book-ended With A Few Tracks To Get The Blood Flowing Again

  1. M83 – Teen Angst
  2. Telefon Tel Aviv – The Birds
  3. Dntel – Fear of Corners
  4. Bonobo, Andreya Triana – Eyesdown
  5. Sutro – Undying
  6. Four Tet – My Angel Rocks Back And Forth
  7. The Album Leaf – Broken Arrow
  8. Thomas Fehlmann – Slinky
  9. Infantjoy – Ghosts
  10. Sarah Fimm – Strange
  11. Cranes – Panorama
  12. B. Fleischmann – First Times
  13. Thievery Corporation – Shoalin Satellite
  14. All India Radio – Lo Fi Groovy
  15. Jon Hopkins – Light Through The Veins
  16. Tycho – The Disconnect
  17. Rumpistol, Tesnelda – Free Fall
  18. Env(itre) – 2wei
  19. Black Mold – Pristine Boobies
  20. M-Seven – Bilocation
  21. Bat For Lashes – What”™s A Girl To Do? (Plaid Remix)
  22. I Broke My Robot – Not So Fast, You”™re Hurting Me
  23. DJ Zinc – Casino Royale
  24. Tenorio Jr. – Nebulosa (Nu:Tone Remix)
  25. Doctor P – Sweet Shop

This playlist was my attempt at a kind of lo-fi, downtempo mix, book-ended with a few tracks to get the blood flowing again (I hope you got that from the title). A couple of these tracks were inspired by an evening listening to various SomaFM stations, some of them are personal favourites that I just had to find space for, and a couple more were picked almost at random from my “must play these next” list (and shoehorned in as best as I could manage).

M83”™s “Teen Angst” is a wicked track, in my opinion. Someone described them to me as a combination of the best elements of Ulrich Schnauss, Joy Division and My Bloody Valentine, and I”™d say that was a pretty succint way of describing them. This track in particular exudes funk and makes me want to strap on my dancin”™ wellies. Better way to start a playlist? Haven”™t found it yet.

I have a hardon for Telefon Tel Aviv. This track was the very first one I added to the collaborative playlist Thom and I created that sparked the idea and kick-started Spotisfaction. Good times. Good times indeed.

I know a couple of people have submitted playlists with tracks by The Postal Service, so here”™s Jimmy Tamborello (one half of The Postal Service along with Ben Gibbard from Death Cab For Cutie) working under the his solo pseudonym, Dntel. Electro-pop? Yes. Good? Very. Start with his album “Life Is Full of Possibilites” if you like this track.

Man, I properly heart The Album Leaf. Not much more to say about this one.

I am going out to buy “The Humbucking Coil” by B. Fleischmann, and I recommend you do the same. “First Times” is little stabby guitar notes in triple time, with perfect organ droning. The rest of the album has been stuck on replay for the whole evening. Annoying, really, when you”™re trying to come up with a playlist and all you want to do is listen to one artist. If that”™s not a good enough recommendation, I don”™t know what is.

When I first heard Jon Hopkin”™s “Light Through The Veins” I got goosebumps. It”™s a heart-warming, almost europhic track and as such was pretty much perfect for the mid-section of the playlist. It”™s basic – just one chord progression for the entire song, but his layering is so subtle that it never gets old. Bliss.

“Pristine Boobies” by Black Mold. Because I have them. Check ”˜em out, I give you permission to grope.

I don”™t think “Not So Fast, You”™re Hurting Me” by I Broke My Robot really fits into this playlist, if I”™m completely honest. Probably a bit too glitchy. I couldn”™t get rid of it, though, cos I smile every time I hear the robotic voice that graces various breaks in this track. Tee hee, robots.

The last track of today”™s playlist, Doctor P, was a recommendation from Rob da Bank”™s Twitter feed. Honestly, I have a lot of love for Mr. da Bank, so anything he recommends is worth a listen as far as I”™m concerned. And, to be honest, I wasn”™t disappointed.

Thanks folks, hope you enjoy.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: The new Bonobo album is really, really good. Check it out: Bonobo ”“ Black Sands.

Hey hey! Thursday is the new Friday (well, this week anyway). The sun is shining, the weather is sweet, and it kinda makes me want to move my little ol”™ dancing feet.

Tomorrow, as you well know, is a bank holiday. Since we”™re not at work, we”™ve decided to run a collaborative playlist on the theme of “Guilty Pleasures”. You can find the playlist HERE – get adding your tracks, and we”™ll publish it tomorrow. We”™re expecting the demand to be pretty high for this bad-boy, so try not to add more than 2 or 3 tracks, otherwise it”™ll be far too big (huh huh that”™s what she said).

Anyway, today”™s is one of mine. Enjoy!


Find the playlist RIGHT HEREZLES!

David”™s Attempt At A Kind Of Lo-Fi, Downtempo Mix, Book-ended With A Few Tracks To Get The Blood Flowing Again

  1. M83 – Teen Angst
  2. Telefon Tel Aviv – The Birds
  3. Dntel – Fear of Corners
  4. Bonobo, Andreya Triana – Eyesdown
  5. Sutro – Undying
  6. Four Tet – My Angel Rocks Back And Forth
  7. The Album Leaf – Broken Arrow
  8. Thomas Fehlmann – Slinky
  9. Infantjoy – Ghosts
  10. Sarah Fimm – Strange
  11. Cranes – Panorama
  12. B. Fleischmann – First Times
  13. Thievery Corporation – Shoalin Satellite
  14. All India Radio – Lo Fi Groovy
  15. Jon Hopkins – Light Through The Veins
  16. Tycho – The Disconnect
  17. Rumpistol, Tesnelda – Free Fall
  18. Env(itre) – 2wei
  19. Black Mold – Pristine Boobies
  20. M-Seven – Bilocation
  21. Bat For Lashes – What”™s A Girl To Do? (Plaid Remix)
  22. I Broke My Robot – Not So Fast, You”™re Hurting Me
  23. DJ Zinc – Casino Royale
  24. Tenorio Jr. – Nebulosa (Nu:Tone Remix)
  25. Doctor P – Sweet Shop

This playlist was my attempt at a kind of lo-fi, downtempo mix, book-ended with a few tracks to get the blood flowing again (I hope you got that from the title). A couple of these tracks were inspired by an evening listening to various SomaFM stations, some of them are personal favourites that I just had to find space for, and a couple more were picked almost at random from my “must play these next” list (and shoehorned in as best as I could manage).

M83”™s “Teen Angst” is a wicked track, in my opinion. Someone described them to me as a combination of the best elements of Ulrich Schnauss, Joy Division and My Bloody Valentine, and I”™d say that was a pretty succint way of describing them. This track in particular exudes funk and makes me want to strap on my dancin”™ wellies. Better way to start a playlist? Haven”™t found it yet.

I have a hardon for Telefon Tel Aviv. This track was the very first one I added to the collaborative playlist Thom and I created that sparked the idea and kick-started Spotisfaction. Good times. Good times indeed.

I know a couple of people have submitted playlists with tracks by The Postal Service, so here”™s Jimmy Tamborello (one half of The Postal Service along with Ben Gibbard from Death Cab For Cutie) working under the his solo pseudonym, Dntel. Electro-pop? Yes. Good? Very. Start with his album “Life Is Full of Possibilites” if you like this track.

Man, I properly heart The Album Leaf. Not much more to say about this one.

I am going out to buy “The Humbucking Coil” by B. Fleischmann, and I recommend you do the same. “First Times” is little stabby guitar notes in triple time, with perfect organ droning. The rest of the album has been stuck on replay for the whole evening. Annoying, really, when you”™re trying to come up with a playlist and all you want to do is listen to one artist. If that”™s not a good enough recommendation, I don”™t know what is.

When I first heard Jon Hopkin”™s “Light Through The Veins” I got goosebumps. It”™s a heart-warming, almost europhic track and as such was pretty much perfect for the mid-section of the playlist. It”™s basic – just one chord progression for the entire song, but his layering is so subtle that it never gets old. Bliss.

“Pristine Boobies” by Black Mold. Because I have them. Check ”˜em out, I give you permission to grope.

I don”™t think “Not So Fast, You”™re Hurting Me” by I Broke My Robot really fits into this playlist, if I”™m completely honest. Probably a bit too glitchy. I couldn”™t get rid of it, though, cos I smile every time I hear the robotic voice that graces various breaks in this track. Tee hee, robots.

The last track of today”™s playlist, Doctor P, was a recommendation from Rob da Bank”™s Twitter feed. Honestly, I have a lot of love for Mr. da Bank, so anything he recommends is worth a listen as far as I”™m concerned. And, to be honest, I wasn”™t disappointed.

Thanks folks, hope you enjoy.


Oh man do I love short weeks! Since we”™re not going to be stuck at work on Friday, suffocating in the mediocrity that is our lives (wait, is that just me? Crap), we”™re considering running a collaborative playlist, perhaps on the theme of “Guilty Pleasures””¦ Consider this due warning to get your selections ready. More info to follow”¦

After listening to Craig”™s mix on Monday, today”™s guest was inspired to bang out his own Spotisfaction for our aural consumption. If you find that you”™re similarly inspired to create your own, but are worried that it might not work or fit, know this: there”™s room here for all of the many genres of music all of you fine people enjoy. We”™re here to get your creative juices flowing, folks, no matter what you like. So give it a shot.

With that, here”™s today”™s guest. Ladies and gents, James TAE.


You may find today”™s playlist by following a series of elaborately designed clues, culminating in the”¦ oh sod it, it was HERE all along.

Dubisfiction blurb:

Easy to the Spotisfaction crew.

Having listened to the great mixes courtesy of Dave ”˜Pmau5”™ Prowse and Thom ”˜James”™ Lavelle, and inspired by Bboy Craig Haynes”™ incredible funkstep mix, here, I wanted to do a more pure dubstep mix that would compliment his. While his mix leans towards funk, dnb and a little grime, I thought I could put together a more two-step compilation, with some breathing space towards experimental and glitch. I”™ve also tried to avoid the mixlist being particularly dark following Prowse”™s recent mix, but hey, this is Dubstep, and it doesn”™t take prisoners.

Dubisfiction track list is as follows:

  1. Martyn – Velvet
  2. Burial – Unite
  3. Distance – Fallen (Vex”™d Remix)
  4. Kontext – Blinkende Stjerne
  5. Deadmau5 – I Remember (Caspa Remix)
  6. Skream – Sub Island
  7. Skool Of Thought – Sludge (Album edit)
  8. Feist/Boys Noize (DZ Remix) – My Moon, My Dub
  9. Digital Mystikz – Thief In Da Night
  10. Sub Version – Forgot The Virus
  11. Kid Acne – Eddy Fresh (Gescom dub remix)
  12. edIT – Laundry
  13. Datsik vs Downlink – Against The Machines (Original Mix)
  14. Distance – Ska
  15. Reso – Beasts In The Basement
  16. The Streets – In The Middle (Nero Remix)

How do I start this mixlist? Do I choose something very obviously, quintessentially Dubstep, or do I choose something light and popular to ease us in? I wanted to avoid both of those clichés, and hopefully chose a track, in Martyn”™s ”˜Velvet”™ that not many of you will know, but which mixes some nice tech-house and IDM influences over the Dubstep groove. I hope this one sucks us all in whichever angle we”™re coming from.

A particular highlight on this mixlist for me is the Vex”˜d remix of ”˜Fallen”™ by Distance. This track shattered my soul the first time I heard it, and is so heavy that the theory of relativity breaks down at its centre. I”™m a big fan of anything Planet Mu, and so was delighted to see edIT”™s Laundry on Spotify (just about the only track of his on there).

DZ”™s remix of Boys Noize”™s remix of Feist”™s My Moon, My Man is another special one. The Boys Noize remix is a classic itself, but DZ pull off a fantastic twostep take on what was once a jaunty and beautiful piano ditty. Four bangers to end on with Datsik/Downlink (bear with it, when the Jungle influence kicks in later, the tune really takes off), Distance, Reso (forget coffee, the last minute and a half of Beast In The Basement will keep you going all day), and the uplifting Nero remix of In The Middle by The Streets. Before, during and after a night out, this tune picks me up time and time again, so here”™s hoping it picks you guys up for the rest of today.

Enjoy, cheers,


Oh man do I love short weeks! Since we”™re not going to be stuck at work on Friday, suffocating in the mediocrity that is our lives (wait, is that just me? Crap), we”™re considering running a collaborative playlist, perhaps on the theme of “Guilty Pleasures””¦ Consider this due warning to get your selections ready. More info to follow”¦

After listening to Craig”™s mix on Monday, today”™s guest was inspired to bang out his own Spotisfaction for our aural consumption. If you find that you”™re similarly inspired to create your own, but are worried that it might not work or fit, know this: there”™s room here for all of the many genres of music all of you fine people enjoy. We”™re here to get your creative juices flowing, folks, no matter what you like. So give it a shot.

With that, here”™s today”™s guest. Ladies and gents, James TAE.


You may find today”™s playlist by following a series of elaborately designed clues, culminating in the”¦ oh sod it, it was HERE all along.

Dubisfiction blurb:

Easy to the Spotisfaction crew.

Having listened to the great mixes courtesy of Dave ”˜Pmau5”™ Prowse and Thom ”˜James”™ Lavelle, and inspired by Bboy Craig Haynes”™ incredible funkstep mix, here, I wanted to do a more pure dubstep mix that would compliment his. While his mix leans towards funk, dnb and a little grime, I thought I could put together a more two-step compilation, with some breathing space towards experimental and glitch. I”™ve also tried to avoid the mixlist being particularly dark following Prowse”™s recent mix, but hey, this is Dubstep, and it doesn”™t take prisoners.

Dubisfiction track list is as follows:

  1. Martyn – Velvet
  2. Burial – Unite
  3. Distance – Fallen (Vex”™d Remix)
  4. Kontext – Blinkende Stjerne
  5. Deadmau5 – I Remember (Caspa Remix)
  6. Skream – Sub Island
  7. Skool Of Thought – Sludge (Album edit)
  8. Feist/Boys Noize (DZ Remix) – My Moon, My Dub
  9. Digital Mystikz – Thief In Da Night
  10. Sub Version – Forgot The Virus
  11. Kid Acne – Eddy Fresh (Gescom dub remix)
  12. edIT – Laundry
  13. Datsik vs Downlink – Against The Machines (Original Mix)
  14. Distance – Ska
  15. Reso – Beasts In The Basement
  16. The Streets – In The Middle (Nero Remix)

How do I start this mixlist? Do I choose something very obviously, quintessentially Dubstep, or do I choose something light and popular to ease us in? I wanted to avoid both of those clichés, and hopefully chose a track, in Martyn”™s ”˜Velvet”™ that not many of you will know, but which mixes some nice tech-house and IDM influences over the Dubstep groove. I hope this one sucks us all in whichever angle we”™re coming from.

A particular highlight on this mixlist for me is the Vex”˜d remix of ”˜Fallen”™ by Distance. This track shattered my soul the first time I heard it, and is so heavy that the theory of relativity breaks down at its centre. I”™m a big fan of anything Planet Mu, and so was delighted to see edIT”™s Laundry on Spotify (just about the only track of his on there).

DZ”™s remix of Boys Noize”™s remix of Feist”™s My Moon, My Man is another special one. The Boys Noize remix is a classic itself, but DZ pull off a fantastic twostep take on what was once a jaunty and beautiful piano ditty. Four bangers to end on with Datsik/Downlink (bear with it, when the Jungle influence kicks in later, the tune really takes off), Distance, Reso (forget coffee, the last minute and a half of Beast In The Basement will keep you going all day), and the uplifting Nero remix of In The Middle by The Streets. Before, during and after a night out, this tune picks me up time and time again, so here”™s hoping it picks you guys up for the rest of today.

Enjoy, cheers,



This morning could have gone so far south that it would have been wearing one of those hats with corks on. You see, through a series of events I managed to lock myself out of my own house this morning. I didn”™t have a key to get in, and I needed a shower and a change of clothes before I headed to work. I was already late for work. Luckily, I was saved by Jo, who ran to my rescue and saved my day. As such, I”™m running her playlist today. Oh, also, Magical Kev gets props like agro for being the wheelman this morning. That”™s how you drive, from now on – THATS HOW YOU DRIVE. If you need a getaway driver, I recommend Kev.

David told me that we had a submission last night that really compliments yesterdays fantastic mix. Rather than running them back to back, we have decided to mix it up a little. Keep your eyes peeled for it, though.

Okay, I”™m in need of some coffee. So I”™m off to sort that out. In the meantime, here is the fantastical Jo and her fantastical Spotisfaction. Peas.


Spotisfaction Tuesday 30/03/10 – JHawling

1. A.M. 180 – Grandaddy
2. Your English is Good – Tokyo Police Club
3. If You Fail We All Fail – Fields
4. Dead Dogs Two – Boards of Canada Remix – cLOUDEAD
5. The Bears Are Comming – Late of the Pier
6. Hate To Say I Told You So – The Hives
7. Self Esteem – The Offspring
8. Bleed American – Jimmy Eat World
9. One Armed Scissor – At the Drive-In
10. White Lines – Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
11. The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope – Bloodhound Gang
12. Can U Dig It? – Pop Will Eat Itself
13. Novocaine For The Soul – Eels
14. The New Pollution – Beck
15. Eurodisco – bis
16. Here Comes Your Man – Pixies
17. Kool Thing – Sonic Youth
18. Edge of Seventeen – Stevie Nicks
19. Someone Great – LCD Soundsystem
20. Paris (Aeroplane Remix) – Friendly Fires
21. Hot in Herre – Tiga
22. Zero – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
23. Fuck The Pain Away – Peaches

This playlist Ain”™t come one, but many tine tanies! Kapa-Chow.
Quirkypop, Sonicscapes and all that good good aural candy. Can U dig it?
Some highlights”¦.

-A.M. 180”¦ Love that shift around the 1.58 mark.
-your english is good – Find the video on Youtube, do it, it”™s aces.
-The bears are comming – What is this track? it”™s clitorish allsorts damn straight.
-One Armed Scissor – I dare you not to picture yourself singing (screaming) it, it is so choice.
-White LInes – Zombie Defence.
-Can U Dig it? – Yes U can.
-Kool Thing – Thurston & Kim are God, we”™re scum, we suck.
-Edge of Seventeen – Guilty Pleasure.
-Fuck the Pain Away – Slutty and Demure.

Sa Da Tay!

This morning could have gone so far south that it would have been wearing one of those hats with corks on. You see, through a series of events I managed to lock myself out of my own house this morning. I didn”™t have a key to get in, and I needed a shower and a change of clothes before I headed to work. I was already late for work. Luckily, I was saved by Jo, who ran to my rescue and saved my day. As such, I”™m running her playlist today. Oh, also, Magical Kev gets props like agro for being the wheelman this morning. That”™s how you drive, from now on – THATS HOW YOU DRIVE. If you need a getaway driver, I recommend Kev.

David told me that we had a submission last night that really compliments yesterdays fantastic mix. Rather than running them back to back, we have decided to mix it up a little. Keep your eyes peeled for it, though.

Okay, I”™m in need of some coffee. So I”™m off to sort that out. In the meantime, here is the fantastical Jo and her fantastical Spotisfaction. Peas.


Spotisfaction Tuesday 30/03/10 – JHawling

1. A.M. 180 – Grandaddy
2. Your English is Good – Tokyo Police Club
3. If You Fail We All Fail – Fields
4. Dead Dogs Two – Boards of Canada Remix – cLOUDEAD
5. The Bears Are Comming – Late of the Pier
6. Hate To Say I Told You So – The Hives
7. Self Esteem – The Offspring
8. Bleed American – Jimmy Eat World
9. One Armed Scissor – At the Drive-In
10. White Lines – Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
11. The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope – Bloodhound Gang
12. Can U Dig It? – Pop Will Eat Itself
13. Novocaine For The Soul – Eels
14. The New Pollution – Beck
15. Eurodisco – bis
16. Here Comes Your Man – Pixies
17. Kool Thing – Sonic Youth
18. Edge of Seventeen – Stevie Nicks
19. Someone Great – LCD Soundsystem
20. Paris (Aeroplane Remix) – Friendly Fires
21. Hot in Herre – Tiga
22. Zero – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
23. Fuck The Pain Away – Peaches

This playlist Ain”™t come one, but many tine tanies! Kapa-Chow.
Quirkypop, Sonicscapes and all that good good aural candy. Can U dig it?
Some highlights”¦.

-A.M. 180”¦ Love that shift around the 1.58 mark.
-your english is good – Find the video on Youtube, do it, it”™s aces.
-The bears are comming – What is this track? it”™s clitorish allsorts damn straight.
-One Armed Scissor – I dare you not to picture yourself singing (screaming) it, it is so choice.
-White LInes – Zombie Defence.
-Can U Dig it? – Yes U can.
-Kool Thing – Thurston & Kim are God, we”™re scum, we suck.
-Edge of Seventeen – Guilty Pleasure.
-Fuck the Pain Away – Slutty and Demure.

Sa Da Tay!


Yo yo. Monday morning”¦ an hour sooner than planned. Hmmph. What we need this morning is a banging playlist to get us grooving, and luckily we have one that delivers, and delivers hard! Today”™s mix is by Craig Haynes; bboy, purveyor of fine D&B and dubstep sounds, and all-round nice guy.

So, enough from me, I”™m going to go away and liberally apply my bass face and try and ignore the fact my body is screaming “YOU BASTARD YOU SHOULD STILL BE IN BED””¦


Craig says:

Easy guys,

I”™ve had a bash. Had to think a bit outside the box as there isn”™t much in the way of filthstep / techy dnb on Spotify. Tried to make it a bit of a departure but still accessible – hope you like it???

Playlist here: Spotisfaction

  1. James Brown – I Got The Feelin”™
  2. Eric B. & Rakim – Know The Ledge
  3. The Bamboos – Bring It Home
  4. Wolfmother – Woman (MSTRKRFT Remix)
  5. The Apples – Killing
  6. DJ Format, Abdominal – Participation Prerequisite
  7. Hot 8 Brass Band – Sexual Healing
  8. Gnarls Barkley – Run [I”™m A Natural Disaster]
  9. Mr. Scruff – Get A Move On! – radio edit
  10. Chromeo – Bonafied Lovin
  11. Foreign Beggars, Badness, Dubbledge, Rednaz – Seven Figure Swagger
  12. Coldcut – True Skool – Radio Edit
  13. Santigold – Creator [vs. Switch and FreQ Nasty]
  14. Daft Punk – Face To Face
  15. Nero – Do You Wanna
  16. Noisia – Diplodocus
  17. Drumsound & Bassline Smith – R U Ready
  18. Nneka – Hearbeat – Chase & Status We Just Bought A Guitar Mix
  19. Reso – Smash Yer Face In
  20. Miike Snow – Silvia – Emalkay Remix


A mix intended to put a smile on your face and a groove in your bootie.

As a bboy I couldn”™t really kick off my playlist with anything but The Godfather of Soul. With classic JB drums and horn blasts this tune is so funky it makes me pull my ahhhh face. Bringing the funk bang up to date with The Bamboos, featuring their Tru Thoughts label mate Alice Russel. The album, Rawville, is just a massive chunk of happy that will just make you want to go and dance in the sunshine.

I also wanted to throw in some amazing lyricism, so I”™ve included Roots Manuva, Rakim and Canadian rapper Abdominal. I was lucky enough to catch Abdominal together with DJ Format at uni and he blew me away. Ludicrous breath control, multi-syllabic rhyming and dope flow but what really get”™s me about Abdominal is his ability to draw you in to a story, make you listen to every word and, more often than not, make you laugh as well.

It wouldn”™t be an accurate reflection of my tastes without getting a bit grimey so I”™ve thrown in the few bits of dnb and dubstep I could find on here whilst hopefully keeping up the dancey vibe. Lots of excitement around Noisia at the moment as they are about to (finally) drop their album, Split The Atom, and recently recorded a staggering Essential Mix which takes in everything from their own brand of intricate, crisp, neurofunk, to Daft Punk, Radiohead and even the Bar Kays! The little “diplodocus?” vocal on this track makes me chuckle every time.

”™s original Heartbeat made me stop in my tracks when I first heard it. Breathtakingly beautiful. Then Chase & Status merked it with some disgustingly heavy guitars. Excellent.

I”™m obsessing slightly over Miike Snow at the moment, the album is just luscious from start to finish. Loving Emalkay”™s work as well so this remix let me kill two birds with one stone.

Hope this made you smile / dance / pull your dirty bass face



Yo yo. Monday morning”¦ an hour sooner than planned. Hmmph. What we need this morning is a banging playlist to get us grooving, and luckily we have one that delivers, and delivers hard! Today”™s mix is by Craig Haynes; bboy, purveyor of fine D&B and dubstep sounds, and all-round nice guy.

So, enough from me, I”™m going to go away and liberally apply my bass face and try and ignore the fact my body is screaming “YOU BASTARD YOU SHOULD STILL BE IN BED””¦


Craig says:

Easy guys,

I”™ve had a bash. Had to think a bit outside the box as there isn”™t much in the way of filthstep / techy dnb on Spotify. Tried to make it a bit of a departure but still accessible – hope you like it???

Playlist here: Spotisfaction

  1. James Brown – I Got The Feelin”™
  2. Eric B. & Rakim – Know The Ledge
  3. The Bamboos – Bring It Home
  4. Wolfmother – Woman (MSTRKRFT Remix)
  5. The Apples – Killing
  6. DJ Format, Abdominal – Participation Prerequisite
  7. Hot 8 Brass Band – Sexual Healing
  8. Gnarls Barkley – Run [I”™m A Natural Disaster]
  9. Mr. Scruff – Get A Move On! – radio edit
  10. Chromeo – Bonafied Lovin
  11. Foreign Beggars, Badness, Dubbledge, Rednaz – Seven Figure Swagger
  12. Coldcut – True Skool – Radio Edit
  13. Santigold – Creator [vs. Switch and FreQ Nasty]
  14. Daft Punk – Face To Face
  15. Nero – Do You Wanna
  16. Noisia – Diplodocus
  17. Drumsound & Bassline Smith – R U Ready
  18. Nneka – Hearbeat – Chase & Status We Just Bought A Guitar Mix
  19. Reso – Smash Yer Face In
  20. Miike Snow – Silvia – Emalkay Remix


A mix intended to put a smile on your face and a groove in your bootie.

As a bboy I couldn”™t really kick off my playlist with anything but The Godfather of Soul. With classic JB drums and horn blasts this tune is so funky it makes me pull my ahhhh face. Bringing the funk bang up to date with The Bamboos, featuring their Tru Thoughts label mate Alice Russel. The album, Rawville, is just a massive chunk of happy that will just make you want to go and dance in the sunshine.

I also wanted to throw in some amazing lyricism, so I”™ve included Roots Manuva, Rakim and Canadian rapper Abdominal. I was lucky enough to catch Abdominal together with DJ Format at uni and he blew me away. Ludicrous breath control, multi-syllabic rhyming and dope flow but what really get”™s me about Abdominal is his ability to draw you in to a story, make you listen to every word and, more often than not, make you laugh as well.

It wouldn”™t be an accurate reflection of my tastes without getting a bit grimey so I”™ve thrown in the few bits of dnb and dubstep I could find on here whilst hopefully keeping up the dancey vibe. Lots of excitement around Noisia at the moment as they are about to (finally) drop their album, Split The Atom, and recently recorded a staggering Essential Mix which takes in everything from their own brand of intricate, crisp, neurofunk, to Daft Punk, Radiohead and even the Bar Kays! The little “diplodocus?” vocal on this track makes me chuckle every time.

”™s original Heartbeat made me stop in my tracks when I first heard it. Breathtakingly beautiful. Then Chase & Status merked it with some disgustingly heavy guitars. Excellent.

I”™m obsessing slightly over Miike Snow at the moment, the album is just luscious from start to finish. Loving Emalkay”™s work as well so this remix let me kill two birds with one stone.

Hope this made you smile / dance / pull your dirty bass face




We”™re heading for the weekend folkens. I haven”™t got much to say that you want or need to hear. However, I will say this.

Tonight: Get your rear ends down to Monty”™s Brasserie at 8.30 tonight to check out dear friend and fantastic artist Juey. She is sublime, a real honest and raw talent and worth checking out. Oh, and tonight you can even take her home. Well, her music. As her debut E.P. “Before The Devil Catches Me” will be on sale. Come on, just go for it, yeah?

Tomorrow: Simply, it”™s Cheltenham Underground. Featuring Hip Route; The Drawing of the Three and Stressechoes. Doors open at 8pm at the Frog and Fiddle, in the barn. Entry £4/£3NUS. There isn”™t really any excuse not to go to this.

Right, enough plugging, on with todays Spotisfaction. Kev is bringing it today, So here he is. Make sure to check out the Hip Route track, as you know, they”™re playing the Underground on Saturday.

Ostrich and Rabbit, people. Fantastic.


Spotisfaction for the masses <”””””” Playlist be here.

R.E.M ”“ The One I Love
Broken Records ”“ If The News Makes You Sad, Don”™t Watch It
Broken Bells ”“ The Ghost Inside
Broken Social Scene ”“ Let”™s Get Out Of Here
Hip Route ”“ Graced By You
My Latest Novel ”“ Lacklustre
Fanfarlo ”“ The Walls Are Coming Down
Islands ”“ The Arm
Placebo ”“ Running Up That Hill
The Dodos ”“ The Strums
Beach House ”“ Lover Of Mine
Buffseeds ”“ Who Stole The Weekend?
The Sunshine Underground ”“ Spell It Out
Band Of Skulls ”“ Death By Diamonds And Pearls
Garbage ”“ Only Happy When It Rains
De Rosa ”“ A Love Economy
Sunset Rubdown ”“ Apollo And The Buffalo And Anna Anna Anna Oh!
Two Door Cinema Club ”“ I Can Talk
White Rabbits ”“ The Plot
Stars ”“ Your Ex-Lover Is Dead
Moonlit Sailor ”“ A Footprint Of Feelings
Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton ”“ Detective Daughter
The National ”“ Looking For Astronauts
Letting Up Despite Great Faults ”“ Mixtape Receipt
Joy Wants Eternity ”“ Existence Rust
The Kinks ”“ Sunny Afternoon

Kev says: Blurb

Bit of a mixed bag. A collection of tracks from my recently listen to artists with a couple of old classics thrown in for the fun of it. Part of the playlist was created while hungover, some was added during a quiet evening at home and the last few tracks were included during a quiet moment at work, I”™ll let you try and work out which tracks come from which period.

The Broken section, Broken Records and Broken Bells have been my two most listened to albums recently so I had to add them to the playlist and as we have the Spotisfaction meet at a Broken Social Scene gig it seemed fitting to include something by them.

************SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT************

The Cheltenham Underground are putting Hip Route on at the Frog and Fiddle in Cheltenham on the 27th, listen to this taster and come and check them out live if you are in the area.

I think Buffseeds lead singer Kieran Scragg (now lead singer of Iko who unfortunately aren”™t on Spotify) has a distinctly awesome voice and writes some brilliant lyrics, if you like this song check out Iko as well.

And the Kinks, one of the greatest bands ever in my opinion and a great track to help us head towards summer (just a shame the weather outside isn”™t currently that nice)

Kick back, relax, forget about work, live long and prosper, it”™s all shiny, keep it foolish, be excellent to each other and party on dudes!

We”™re heading for the weekend folkens. I haven”™t got much to say that you want or need to hear. However, I will say this.

Tonight: Get your rear ends down to Monty”™s Brasserie at 8.30 tonight to check out dear friend and fantastic artist Juey. She is sublime, a real honest and raw talent and worth checking out. Oh, and tonight you can even take her home. Well, her music. As her debut E.P. “Before The Devil Catches Me” will be on sale. Come on, just go for it, yeah?

Tomorrow: Simply, it”™s Cheltenham Underground. Featuring Hip Route; The Drawing of the Three and Stressechoes. Doors open at 8pm at the Frog and Fiddle, in the barn. Entry £4/£3NUS. There isn”™t really any excuse not to go to this.

Right, enough plugging, on with todays Spotisfaction. Kev is bringing it today, So here he is. Make sure to check out the Hip Route track, as you know, they”™re playing the Underground on Saturday.

Ostrich and Rabbit, people. Fantastic.


Spotisfaction for the masses <”””””” Playlist be here.

R.E.M ”“ The One I Love
Broken Records ”“ If The News Makes You Sad, Don”™t Watch It
Broken Bells ”“ The Ghost Inside
Broken Social Scene ”“ Let”™s Get Out Of Here
Hip Route ”“ Graced By You
My Latest Novel ”“ Lacklustre
Fanfarlo ”“ The Walls Are Coming Down
Islands ”“ The Arm
Placebo ”“ Running Up That Hill
The Dodos ”“ The Strums
Beach House ”“ Lover Of Mine
Buffseeds ”“ Who Stole The Weekend?
The Sunshine Underground ”“ Spell It Out
Band Of Skulls ”“ Death By Diamonds And Pearls
Garbage ”“ Only Happy When It Rains
De Rosa ”“ A Love Economy
Sunset Rubdown ”“ Apollo And The Buffalo And Anna Anna Anna Oh!
Two Door Cinema Club ”“ I Can Talk
White Rabbits ”“ The Plot
Stars ”“ Your Ex-Lover Is Dead
Moonlit Sailor ”“ A Footprint Of Feelings
Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton ”“ Detective Daughter
The National ”“ Looking For Astronauts
Letting Up Despite Great Faults ”“ Mixtape Receipt
Joy Wants Eternity ”“ Existence Rust
The Kinks ”“ Sunny Afternoon

Kev says: Blurb

Bit of a mixed bag. A collection of tracks from my recently listen to artists with a couple of old classics thrown in for the fun of it. Part of the playlist was created while hungover, some was added during a quiet evening at home and the last few tracks were included during a quiet moment at work, I”™ll let you try and work out which tracks come from which period.

The Broken section, Broken Records and Broken Bells have been my two most listened to albums recently so I had to add them to the playlist and as we have the Spotisfaction meet at a Broken Social Scene gig it seemed fitting to include something by them.

************SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT************

The Cheltenham Underground are putting Hip Route on at the Frog and Fiddle in Cheltenham on the 27th, listen to this taster and come and check them out live if you are in the area.

I think Buffseeds lead singer Kieran Scragg (now lead singer of Iko who unfortunately aren”™t on Spotify) has a distinctly awesome voice and writes some brilliant lyrics, if you like this song check out Iko as well.

And the Kinks, one of the greatest bands ever in my opinion and a great track to help us head towards summer (just a shame the weather outside isn”™t currently that nice)

Kick back, relax, forget about work, live long and prosper, it”™s all shiny, keep it foolish, be excellent to each other and party on dudes!


Good morning, Thursday! Thursday is the fourth day of the week according to the ISO 8601 international standard adopted in most western countries. In countries that use the Sunday-first convention and in the Judeo-Christian calendar it is the fifth day of the week. It falls between Wednesday and Friday. FACTS, PEOPLE – WE DELIVER!

Today”™s playlist is courtesy of moi. It”™s pretty funky, I think, but somewhat obscure. Give it a go, and let me know what you think. Next time I”™m giving you some random lo-fi electro, so be warned”¦

Remember – we have a gorgeous new commenting system. Feel free to connect with us, yo.


Playlist? This one!

  1. Shuggie Otis – Aht Uh Mi Hed
  2. Aloe Blacc – I Need A Dollar
  3. Blackalicious – If I May
  4. Rize & Kronos, Main Flow, Rebels To The Grain – Something to build
  5. Frank Pleyer Big Band – Sally
  6. Jazzanova – L.o.v.e & You & I – Madlib Love Phase Mix
  7. Serge Gainsbourg – Intoxicated Man
  8. Gil Scott-Heron – Jose Campos Torres
  9. 4hero – Conceptions
  10. SOIL & “PIMP” SESSIONS – The White Widow
  11. Jazztronik – Samurai
  12. The Root Source – Beyond The Haze (Vocal)
  13. Atjazz – Kidnapped
  14. Gilles Peterson”™s Havana Cultura Band, Mayra Caridad Valdés – Chekere Son
  15. Jack Constanzo – The Inch Worm
  16. Kyoto Jazz Massive – Kudu
  17. Wibutee – Once You Get There
  18. New Cool Collective – Perry
  19. Hypnotic Brass Ensemble – Ballicki Bone
  20. Trio Töykeät – Perfect Make Out Music
  21. Mike Fuerstein, Mainframe – Metaphysical
  22. Hans Ulrik – Before
  23. Miles Davis – Blue In Green
  24. Animals As Leaders – Modern Meat
  25. Nouvelle Vague – Love Will Tear Us Apart

Ready for the pretentious bit?: I wanted to do something completely different with this playlist. It started mainly as a challenge to myself – I wanted to put together a playlist of tracks I”™d not heard, from genres I don”™t pay enough attention to. Most of my playlists seem to be pretty indie or electro, so this was designed to take me out of my comfort zone. I think it was a success – I”™ve gotten into a couple of really awesome artists off the back of this one playlist, and hey what more can you ask for than that?

I really love Aloe Blacc”™s “I Need A Dollar”. Let”™s be honest, it”™s pretty freaking catchy, and hey, I feel the guy”™s pain. I just found out it”™s the theme tune to “How To Make It In America”, which is a new comedy drama by the producers of “Entourage” – might check it out on the basis that the soundtrack to the series is going to be pretty awesome. Followed immediately by Blackalicious, I really get a summery vibe from this section of the playlist. Nice weather, cold cider and good company. Summer can”™t come quickly enough, really.

Serge Gainsbourg. I”™ve never heard any of his tracks. I know, I know, I really suck. So, felt I needed to rectify that. Had a bit of a mammoth sesh and this is one of the tracks that jumped out at me. I think it sets us up nicely for another artist I”™ve not really heard much of (except for his work with Massive Attack). Gil Scott-Heron”™s poem about the Moody Park Rebellion is somewhat of an odd choice for this playlist, I think, but it”™s powerful stuff.

Jazzanova are a band I have a crapload of respect for. I”™d never heard this track, but was glancing through their catalogue for a corker and found this Madlib remix. Now, I love Madlib, and I love Jazzanova. Result. Lovely, laid-back strings with a sweeping buildup.

Miles Davis. ”˜Nuff said.

One track I just had to shoehorn into this playlist was Nouvelle Vague”™s awesome cover of “Love Will Tear Us Apart”. I couldn”™t find anything to transition from, though. Solution? Music-guru James Cook came to the rescue and suggested the wonderful Animals As Leaders as a perfect segue. As he quite rightly pointed out, the rest of Animals As Leaders self-titled album would feel completely out of place in this playlist, but this one track in particular is just right. Ta, dude.
Cheers kids, hope you enjoy.

Good morning, Thursday! Thursday is the fourth day of the week according to the ISO 8601 international standard adopted in most western countries. In countries that use the Sunday-first convention and in the Judeo-Christian calendar it is the fifth day of the week. It falls between Wednesday and Friday. FACTS, PEOPLE – WE DELIVER!

Today”™s playlist is courtesy of moi. It”™s pretty funky, I think, but somewhat obscure. Give it a go, and let me know what you think. Next time I”™m giving you some random lo-fi electro, so be warned”¦

Remember – we have a gorgeous new commenting system. Feel free to connect with us, yo.


Playlist? This one!

  1. Shuggie Otis – Aht Uh Mi Hed
  2. Aloe Blacc – I Need A Dollar
  3. Blackalicious – If I May
  4. Rize & Kronos, Main Flow, Rebels To The Grain – Something to build
  5. Frank Pleyer Big Band – Sally
  6. Jazzanova – L.o.v.e & You & I – Madlib Love Phase Mix
  7. Serge Gainsbourg – Intoxicated Man
  8. Gil Scott-Heron – Jose Campos Torres
  9. 4hero – Conceptions
  10. SOIL & “PIMP” SESSIONS – The White Widow
  11. Jazztronik – Samurai
  12. The Root Source – Beyond The Haze (Vocal)
  13. Atjazz – Kidnapped
  14. Gilles Peterson”™s Havana Cultura Band, Mayra Caridad Valdés – Chekere Son
  15. Jack Constanzo – The Inch Worm
  16. Kyoto Jazz Massive – Kudu
  17. Wibutee – Once You Get There
  18. New Cool Collective – Perry
  19. Hypnotic Brass Ensemble – Ballicki Bone
  20. Trio Töykeät – Perfect Make Out Music
  21. Mike Fuerstein, Mainframe – Metaphysical
  22. Hans Ulrik – Before
  23. Miles Davis – Blue In Green
  24. Animals As Leaders – Modern Meat
  25. Nouvelle Vague – Love Will Tear Us Apart

Ready for the pretentious bit?: I wanted to do something completely different with this playlist. It started mainly as a challenge to myself – I wanted to put together a playlist of tracks I”™d not heard, from genres I don”™t pay enough attention to. Most of my playlists seem to be pretty indie or electro, so this was designed to take me out of my comfort zone. I think it was a success – I”™ve gotten into a couple of really awesome artists off the back of this one playlist, and hey what more can you ask for than that?

I really love Aloe Blacc”™s “I Need A Dollar”. Let”™s be honest, it”™s pretty freaking catchy, and hey, I feel the guy”™s pain. I just found out it”™s the theme tune to “How To Make It In America”, which is a new comedy drama by the producers of “Entourage” – might check it out on the basis that the soundtrack to the series is going to be pretty awesome. Followed immediately by Blackalicious, I really get a summery vibe from this section of the playlist. Nice weather, cold cider and good company. Summer can”™t come quickly enough, really.

Serge Gainsbourg. I”™ve never heard any of his tracks. I know, I know, I really suck. So, felt I needed to rectify that. Had a bit of a mammoth sesh and this is one of the tracks that jumped out at me. I think it sets us up nicely for another artist I”™ve not really heard much of (except for his work with Massive Attack). Gil Scott-Heron”™s poem about the Moody Park Rebellion is somewhat of an odd choice for this playlist, I think, but it”™s powerful stuff.

Jazzanova are a band I have a crapload of respect for. I”™d never heard this track, but was glancing through their catalogue for a corker and found this Madlib remix. Now, I love Madlib, and I love Jazzanova. Result. Lovely, laid-back strings with a sweeping buildup.

Miles Davis. ”˜Nuff said.

One track I just had to shoehorn into this playlist was Nouvelle Vague”™s awesome cover of “Love Will Tear Us Apart”. I couldn”™t find anything to transition from, though. Solution? Music-guru James Cook came to the rescue and suggested the wonderful Animals As Leaders as a perfect segue. As he quite rightly pointed out, the rest of Animals As Leaders self-titled album would feel completely out of place in this playlist, but this one track in particular is just right. Ta, dude.
Cheers kids, hope you enjoy.


Turns out that while our Tumblr theme was sort of pretty, it didn”™t really let us do anything fun. So”¦ after a good couple of hours of messing around with a new theme (ARGH HTML WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO?!), we”™re ready to introduce our new commenting system! Our good friend Craig pointed out that “”¦Spotisfaction has the potential to inspire much debate, and people would enjoy feedback on their selections.” – so, please do get involved and leave encouragement, props, ask questions or whatever you like. We”™re using DISQUS ( for this functionality. All you need to do to comment on a playlist is click on the Comments link underneath the post. You can post comments anonymously as a guest, with your Twitter account, or via a Yahoo!, OpenID or DISQUS login. Ladies and gents, we hope you enjoy as much as I enjoy a good rack of BBQ ribs (read: a lot). TATA. David (Twitter)

Turns out that while our Tumblr theme was sort of pretty, it didn”™t really let us do anything fun. So”¦ after a good couple of hours of messing around with a new theme (ARGH HTML WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO?!), we”™re ready to introduce our new commenting system!

Our good friend Craig pointed out that “”¦Spotisfaction has the potential to inspire much debate, and people would enjoy feedback on their selections.” – so, please do get involved and leave encouragement, props, ask questions or whatever you like.

We”™re using DISQUS ( for this functionality. All you need to do to comment on a playlist is click on the Comments link underneath the post.

You can post comments anonymously as a guest, with your Twitter account, or via a Yahoo!, OpenID or DISQUS login.

Ladies and gents, we hope you enjoy as much as I enjoy a good rack of BBQ ribs (read: a lot).



Yo. Comin”™ atcha from Spotisfaction Towers is Wednesdays playlist coutesy of Neil “Goose” Hamilton. But before that, some blurb.

As you know, I”™ve been sat on Dave”™s lap hard in thought about how to take Spotisfaction forward. I love the fact that so many of you have submitted fantastic playlists, please keep them coming. What we”™re also looking for now is some feedback and maybe a few suggestions on how to move forward with this. All comments welcome – probably the easiest way would be to send an email to, I guess. Get on it. Oh, before I forget, can I get a big load of respect Jam for yesterdays submission? Woody”™s awesome playlist was for me proof that music can conquer all.

Right, without further wossnames, over to Neil.

Peace from the bear most high


Neil says:


I figured I would jump on the boat and send in a playlist as I have listened to a lot of the other ones and I don”™t want to be all take take take so link is below

New <”””” Playlist be here.

  1. I want you ”“ Danko Jones
  2. Ride ”“ The Vines
  3. Nothing ”“ A
  4. Rescue Me ”“ Buckcherry
  5. Get Free ”“ The Vines
  6. 3”™s & 7”™s ”“ Queens of the stone age
  7. Get Over It ”“ OK GO
  8. Monster ”“ The Automatic
  9. Filmstar ”“ Suede
  10. Why Bother ”“ Weezer
  11. Somebody Loved Me ”“ Reel Big Fish
  12. Satuday Morning ”“ Eels
  13. Spin ”“ Lifehouse
  14. Semi-Charmed Man ”“ Third Eye Blind
  15. Better off with him ”“ A
  16. Beer ”“ Reel big fish
  17. Ridin ”“ Classic
  18. I Suck ”“ Mark Ronson
  19. Ch-Check it out ”“ Beastie Boys
  20. Back in the Mud ”“ Bubba Sparxxx
  21. Woman (remix) ”“ Wolfmother
  22. Deliverance ”“ Bubba Sparxxx
  23. Flash Light ”“ Parliament
  24. Around the World ”“ Daft Punk
  25. Three MCs and one DJ ”“ Beastie Boys
  26. Voodoo People (remix)  – Prodigy

Ok my bloggy bit :-s

Ok so recently I have been listening to peoples playlists and I have been liking them so I figure why not share one of my playlists with everyone else. As some of you know my music taste can be a little here and there with some absolute essential CDs in the CD collection. Unfortunately as Spotify hasn”™t caught on to the lyrical genius of PJ and Duncan quite yet I have had to settle for the playlist above/below or where ever they choose to place the playlist (deleted items perhaps).

Basically the songs in the play list are probably all songs that most of you have heard before but essentially they are songs I can listen to and they put me in a good mood, or songs that I can listen to and relate to. Hopefully your like the playlist and will put you all in a good mood after you listen to it.


Yo. Comin”™ atcha from Spotisfaction Towers is Wednesdays playlist coutesy of Neil “Goose” Hamilton. But before that, some blurb.

As you know, I”™ve been sat on Dave”™s lap hard in thought about how to take Spotisfaction forward. I love the fact that so many of you have submitted fantastic playlists, please keep them coming. What we”™re also looking for now is some feedback and maybe a few suggestions on how to move forward with this. All comments welcome – probably the easiest way would be to send an email to, I guess. Get on it. Oh, before I forget, can I get a big load of respect Jam for yesterdays submission? Woody”™s awesome playlist was for me proof that music can conquer all.

Right, without further wossnames, over to Neil.

Peace from the bear most high


Neil says:


I figured I would jump on the boat and send in a playlist as I have listened to a lot of the other ones and I don”™t want to be all take take take so link is below

New <”””” Playlist be here.

  1. I want you ”“ Danko Jones
  2. Ride ”“ The Vines
  3. Nothing ”“ A
  4. Rescue Me ”“ Buckcherry
  5. Get Free ”“ The Vines
  6. 3”™s & 7”™s ”“ Queens of the stone age
  7. Get Over It ”“ OK GO
  8. Monster ”“ The Automatic
  9. Filmstar ”“ Suede
  10. Why Bother ”“ Weezer
  11. Somebody Loved Me ”“ Reel Big Fish
  12. Satuday Morning ”“ Eels
  13. Spin ”“ Lifehouse
  14. Semi-Charmed Man ”“ Third Eye Blind
  15. Better off with him ”“ A
  16. Beer ”“ Reel big fish
  17. Ridin ”“ Classic
  18. I Suck ”“ Mark Ronson
  19. Ch-Check it out ”“ Beastie Boys
  20. Back in the Mud ”“ Bubba Sparxxx
  21. Woman (remix) ”“ Wolfmother
  22. Deliverance ”“ Bubba Sparxxx
  23. Flash Light ”“ Parliament
  24. Around the World ”“ Daft Punk
  25. Three MCs and one DJ ”“ Beastie Boys
  26. Voodoo People (remix)  – Prodigy

Ok my bloggy bit :-s

Ok so recently I have been listening to peoples playlists and I have been liking them so I figure why not share one of my playlists with everyone else. As some of you know my music taste can be a little here and there with some absolute essential CDs in the CD collection. Unfortunately as Spotify hasn”™t caught on to the lyrical genius of PJ and Duncan quite yet I have had to settle for the playlist above/below or where ever they choose to place the playlist (deleted items perhaps).

Basically the songs in the play list are probably all songs that most of you have heard before but essentially they are songs I can listen to and they put me in a good mood, or songs that I can listen to and relate to. Hopefully your like the playlist and will put you all in a good mood after you listen to it.



Tuesday. Oh Tuesday. So what if we”™re only one-fifth of the way through another dreary week? There”™s music to be listened to, goshdarnit.

Today”™s playlist was crafted lovingly by Woody, and it”™s a blinder. So, without further ado, here he is.

Get the playlist here. No, wait”¦ HERE.


Another Life

  1. Girls – Darling
  2. Violent Femmes – Kiss Off
  3. The Moldy Peaches – Jorge Regula
  4. Feist – I Feel It All
  5. Atlas Sound – Shelia
  6. Cat Power – He War
  7. Rilo Kiley – Go Ahead
  8. Joseph Arthur – A Smile That Explodes
  9. Amadou & Mariam – Sabali
  10. The Antlers – Kettering
  11. Beach House – Walk In The Park
  12. Giant Drag – Smashing
  13. Beirut – Scenic World
  14. PJ Harvey – Shame
  15. Elliott Smith – Bled White
  16. Bright Eyes – Make War
  17. Electrelane – Oh Sombra!
  18. Ruby Suns – Maasai Mara
  19. R.E.M. – Half A World Away
  20. Lucinda Williams – Like A Rose
  21. Jenny Owen Youngs – Fuck Was I
  22. The Weakerthans – One Great City!
  23. Fleetwood Mac – Never Going Back Again

I started the playlist because I watched a film set in Argentina about a kid who listened to the Violent Femmes. This was my first exposure to them and within a couple of hours of watching the film I went out and bought their first album and pretty much fell in love with them. They are such an underrated band.

But anywho, for some reason that just put me in the mood to make a playlist of American acoustic/folk/indie music. Something to play in the sunshine and pretend I was somewhere else.

I didn”™t want to just put songs I already knew on it or the artists most famous songs, so I looked up not so obvious choices and other artists I hadn”™t listened to before from recommendations on etc that I would probably like such as Rilo Kiley, Atlas Sound and Amadou and Mariam, which as luck turns out, i did like.  Most of all I wanted it to flow well, create a “mood” or something like that. No sudden drum”™n”™bass suddenly pumping out, but maybe one or two well placed random tracks. I will apologize about the Fleetwood Mac at the end. I don”™t know what is wrong with me at the moment, it”™s embarrassing. I”™m seeking help.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it

Tuesday. Oh Tuesday. So what if we”™re only one-fifth of the way through another dreary week? There”™s music to be listened to, goshdarnit.

Today”™s playlist was crafted lovingly by Woody, and it”™s a blinder. So, without further ado, here he is.

Get the playlist here. No, wait”¦ HERE.


Another Life

  1. Girls – Darling
  2. Violent Femmes – Kiss Off
  3. The Moldy Peaches – Jorge Regula
  4. Feist – I Feel It All
  5. Atlas Sound – Shelia
  6. Cat Power – He War
  7. Rilo Kiley – Go Ahead
  8. Joseph Arthur – A Smile That Explodes
  9. Amadou & Mariam – Sabali
  10. The Antlers – Kettering
  11. Beach House – Walk In The Park
  12. Giant Drag – Smashing
  13. Beirut – Scenic World
  14. PJ Harvey – Shame
  15. Elliott Smith – Bled White
  16. Bright Eyes – Make War
  17. Electrelane – Oh Sombra!
  18. Ruby Suns – Maasai Mara
  19. R.E.M. – Half A World Away
  20. Lucinda Williams – Like A Rose
  21. Jenny Owen Youngs – Fuck Was I
  22. The Weakerthans – One Great City!
  23. Fleetwood Mac – Never Going Back Again

I started the playlist because I watched a film set in Argentina about a kid who listened to the Violent Femmes. This was my first exposure to them and within a couple of hours of watching the film I went out and bought their first album and pretty much fell in love with them. They are such an underrated band.

But anywho, for some reason that just put me in the mood to make a playlist of American acoustic/folk/indie music. Something to play in the sunshine and pretend I was somewhere else.

I didn”™t want to just put songs I already knew on it or the artists most famous songs, so I looked up not so obvious choices and other artists I hadn”™t listened to before from recommendations on etc that I would probably like such as Rilo Kiley, Atlas Sound and Amadou and Mariam, which as luck turns out, i did like.  Most of all I wanted it to flow well, create a “mood” or something like that. No sudden drum”™n”™bass suddenly pumping out, but maybe one or two well placed random tracks. I will apologize about the Fleetwood Mac at the end. I don”™t know what is wrong with me at the moment, it”™s embarrassing. I”™m seeking help.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it


Ok, it”™s Monday. It”™s the springtime of our lives. This playlist is all over the shop, much like my mind right now. I can”™t centre on anything right now. My mind is alive and the sun is out. I”™m WRITING IN CAPS happy right now. Shut up, Thom. I”™d planned to do some work on this site this weekend but events happened. I will conspire with Dave to bring you a better Spotisfaction experience soon. I”™ll do a news post earlier later with some further details (fingers crossed).

Right, here is todays playlist.

1. Miyavi – SURVIVE
2. The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart – Come Saturday
3. Japandroids – The Boys Are Leaving Town
4. Ungdomskulen – Osaka
5. Ulrich Schnauss – Nobody”™s Home
6. Bon Iver – Skinny Love
7. The Dodos – Fools
8. James Holden – Lump
9. Luke Abbot – Whitebox Stereo
10. Four Tet – Sing
11. Royksopp – The Girl And The Robot
12. Anthony Shakir – Here, There & Nowhere
13. Esben And The Witch – Skeleton Swoon
14. Yeasayer – Ambling Alp
15. Bear In Heaven – Lovesick Teenagers
16. The XX – Crystalised
17. Jose Gonzalez – Heartbeats
18. Cornelius – Drop
19. The Velvet Underground – I”™m Waiting For The Man
20. Sparklehorse – Don”™t Take My Sunshine Away
21. Streetlight Manifesto – Riding The Fourth Wave
22. Beastie Boys – Shake Your Rump
23. The Rural Alberta Advantage – Don”™t Haunt This Place
24. Titus Andronicus – Upon Viewing Brueghel”™s “Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus”
25. Joy Wants Eternity – Above The Clouds Lies Eternal Sun
26. Sonic Youth – Sugar Kane
27. Ash – I”™m Gonna Fall

Okay, I”™ve had one or two comments that my later blurbs are a bit more tame than the early stuff I was putting up. Simply put, I”™ve shifted my style for this format. I could sit and write half a paragraph that no-one reads, pouring my heart and soul into a detailed analysis of each track. But I”™m not here to review my playlists, I”™m here to draw attention to some of the highlights and justify why I”™ve added them. With that in mind, here is a quick run down:

Kicking this off with Miyavi with “SURVIVE”. Anyone who knows me knows that I”™ve got a big love for Japanese music. This is the only thing I can find on here other than some of the more recent Dir En Grey stuff.Miyavi is actually quite a talent himself, he is fantastic at guitar, a great showman and is actually part of the superband SKIN with Gackt (Malice Mizer), Sugizo (Luna Sea) and Yoshiki (X Japan). Check out his cover of Nirvana”™s “Blew” here to see the man in action. This track, whilst not my favourite Miyavi track, still seems to have a certain funk to it”™s step.

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart were my favourite band this weekend. As I had already put “This Love Is Fucking Right” on a playlist previously, I decided to put “Come Saturday” on as well, as it reminds me of waking up on a Saturday morning and having a cigarette out of the window whilst watching the world go by.

Ungdomskulen”™s track “Osaka” takes the place of the song I was going to put into this playlist, which was King Crimson – 21st Century Schizoid Man. Nobody wanted an 11 minute prog rock epic this early on a Monday though, did they?

Everyone knows I like James Holden. I rate him very highly indeed. The track “Lump” was taken from his awesome album “The Idiots Are Winning”. If this track tickles you as it does me, then make sure you check it out. Along with the follow up track by Luke Abbot entitled “Whitebox Stereo”.

The XX is a band that I didn”™t click with at first, although I had a huge amount of respect for what they were putting out. “Crystalised” is the first track that clicked with me, which is why it is here. It”™s got the minimal.

I couldn”™t run a playlist without a Sparklehorse track in memory of Mark Linkous, who died earlier this month. I would seriously recommend Sparklehorse to anyone, and “Don”™t Take My Sunshine Away” is as good a place as any to start.

I”™m going through a bit of a Streetlight Manifesto crush at the moment, this track is basically being used to bridge Sparklehorse and the next track – Beastie Boys – “Shake Your Rump”. Little known fact, I know more Beastie Boys lyrics than actual English words. This track, taken from the fantastic album Paul”™s Boutique, is often just kicking around my head, causing me to bark out lines and hooks from it like some angry new yorker with tourettes.

The Rual Alberta Advantage are a great find. Seriously, check these guys out. “Don”™t Haunt This Place”.

Finally, rounding up the playlist is the sublime “Sugar Kane” by Sonic Youth and Ash”™s “I”™m Gonna Fall” (Taken from the oft overlooked album Nu-Clear Sounds). I figured this was a good enough end to a playlist that has been a bit all over the place.

More to follow”¦ Bears and robots for now, Sailors.


Ok, it”™s Monday. It”™s the springtime of our lives. This playlist is all over the shop, much like my mind right now. I can”™t centre on anything right now. My mind is alive and the sun is out. I”™m WRITING IN CAPS happy right now. Shut up, Thom. I”™d planned to do some work on this site this weekend but events happened. I will conspire with Dave to bring you a better Spotisfaction experience soon. I”™ll do a news post earlier later with some further details (fingers crossed).

Right, here is todays playlist.

1. Miyavi – SURVIVE
2. The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart – Come Saturday
3. Japandroids – The Boys Are Leaving Town
4. Ungdomskulen – Osaka
5. Ulrich Schnauss – Nobody”™s Home
6. Bon Iver – Skinny Love
7. The Dodos – Fools
8. James Holden – Lump
9. Luke Abbot – Whitebox Stereo
10. Four Tet – Sing
11. Royksopp – The Girl And The Robot
12. Anthony Shakir – Here, There & Nowhere
13. Esben And The Witch – Skeleton Swoon
14. Yeasayer – Ambling Alp
15. Bear In Heaven – Lovesick Teenagers
16. The XX – Crystalised
17. Jose Gonzalez – Heartbeats
18. Cornelius – Drop
19. The Velvet Underground – I”™m Waiting For The Man
20. Sparklehorse – Don”™t Take My Sunshine Away
21. Streetlight Manifesto – Riding The Fourth Wave
22. Beastie Boys – Shake Your Rump
23. The Rural Alberta Advantage – Don”™t Haunt This Place
24. Titus Andronicus – Upon Viewing Brueghel”™s “Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus”
25. Joy Wants Eternity – Above The Clouds Lies Eternal Sun
26. Sonic Youth – Sugar Kane
27. Ash – I”™m Gonna Fall

Okay, I”™ve had one or two comments that my later blurbs are a bit more tame than the early stuff I was putting up. Simply put, I”™ve shifted my style for this format. I could sit and write half a paragraph that no-one reads, pouring my heart and soul into a detailed analysis of each track. But I”™m not here to review my playlists, I”™m here to draw attention to some of the highlights and justify why I”™ve added them. With that in mind, here is a quick run down:

Kicking this off with Miyavi with “SURVIVE”. Anyone who knows me knows that I”™ve got a big love for Japanese music. This is the only thing I can find on here other than some of the more recent Dir En Grey stuff.Miyavi is actually quite a talent himself, he is fantastic at guitar, a great showman and is actually part of the superband SKIN with Gackt (Malice Mizer), Sugizo (Luna Sea) and Yoshiki (X Japan). Check out his cover of Nirvana”™s “Blew” here to see the man in action. This track, whilst not my favourite Miyavi track, still seems to have a certain funk to it”™s step.

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart were my favourite band this weekend. As I had already put “This Love Is Fucking Right” on a playlist previously, I decided to put “Come Saturday” on as well, as it reminds me of waking up on a Saturday morning and having a cigarette out of the window whilst watching the world go by.

Ungdomskulen”™s track “Osaka” takes the place of the song I was going to put into this playlist, which was King Crimson – 21st Century Schizoid Man. Nobody wanted an 11 minute prog rock epic this early on a Monday though, did they?

Everyone knows I like James Holden. I rate him very highly indeed. The track “Lump” was taken from his awesome album “The Idiots Are Winning”. If this track tickles you as it does me, then make sure you check it out. Along with the follow up track by Luke Abbot entitled “Whitebox Stereo”.

The XX is a band that I didn”™t click with at first, although I had a huge amount of respect for what they were putting out. “Crystalised” is the first track that clicked with me, which is why it is here. It”™s got the minimal.

I couldn”™t run a playlist without a Sparklehorse track in memory of Mark Linkous, who died earlier this month. I would seriously recommend Sparklehorse to anyone, and “Don”™t Take My Sunshine Away” is as good a place as any to start.

I”™m going through a bit of a Streetlight Manifesto crush at the moment, this track is basically being used to bridge Sparklehorse and the next track – Beastie Boys – “Shake Your Rump”. Little known fact, I know more Beastie Boys lyrics than actual English words. This track, taken from the fantastic album Paul”™s Boutique, is often just kicking around my head, causing me to bark out lines and hooks from it like some angry new yorker with tourettes.

The Rual Alberta Advantage are a great find. Seriously, check these guys out. “Don”™t Haunt This Place”.

Finally, rounding up the playlist is the sublime “Sugar Kane” by Sonic Youth and Ash”™s “I”™m Gonna Fall” (Taken from the oft overlooked album Nu-Clear Sounds). I figured this was a good enough end to a playlist that has been a bit all over the place.

More to follow”¦ Bears and robots for now, Sailors.


Features News

Yo! So, one of my all-time favourite bands are playing in Birmingham on Saturday 26th June. The Spotisfaction crew are going, and we”™d like you guys to come too. I”™ve set up a Facebook event with further details, including where to buy the tickets from and a rough idea of what the plan will be. Give us a shout if you”™d like to come with us, and we”™ll send you an invite! You can find me on Facebook at: Woop! David

Yo! So, one of my all-time favourite bands are playing in Birmingham on Saturday 26th June. The Spotisfaction crew are going, and we”™d like you guys to come too.

I”™ve set up a Facebook event with further details, including where to buy the tickets from and a rough idea of what the plan will be.

Give us a shout if you”™d like to come with us, and we”™ll send you an invite! You can find me on Facebook at:



Good morning! Feeling a lot happier today – found my little ginger kitty (thank buggery, tbh), and have just found out that Broken Social Scene are playing in Birmingham in June after I spent days moping around when London tickets sold out :D So, who”™s coming? SPOTISFACTION MEET-UP HAPPY TIMES ARE NAO!


It”™s Friday! We”™re alive! The weather is”¦ uh”¦ ok, I guess. So, today calls for an upbeat, uplifting playlist to celebrate. And, no better man for the job than Mr. Dan Base! *applause*.

Will hand you over to The Basinator shortly, but before I do I wanted to say a couple of things.

Part The First: Such a good shout on the Incubus track, man. Truly inspired.

Part The Second: Kids, thanks for all the submissions. Still steadily ticking over even after a couple of weeks, which is mind-bogglingly awesome. If you”™re reading/listening and are inspired to make one of your own, please do. We play every single one that gets submitted.

Safe as trucks!

Get the playlist WHILE IT”™S HOT”¦

  1. Ash – Walking Barefoot
  2. The Rolling Stones – Gimme Shelter
  3. Pixes – Debaser
  4. The Coral – Pass It On
  5. The Futureheads – Decent Days And Nights
  6. Radiohead – You
  7. Sonic Youth – Kissability
  8. Millencolin – No Cigar
  9. Blind Melon – No Rain
  10. Incubus – Summer Romance (Anti-Gravity Love Song)
  11. Ash – Angel Interceptor
  12. Jimmy Eat World – A Praise Chorus
  13. Skunk Anansie – Lately
  14. Super Furry Animals – Hello Sunshine
  15. The Cure – Just Like Heaven
  16. Pearl Jam – State Of Love And Trust
  17. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate Son
  18. Infadels – Make Mistakes
  19. The Beach Boys – God Only Knows
  20. Queen – You”™re My Best Friend
  21. R.E.M. – Shiny Happy People
  22. Madness – It Must Be Love
  23. Manic Street Preachers – Motorcycle Emptiness
  24. Supergrass – Moving
  25. The Smiths – There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

There is a light and it never goes out

It”™s spring and the sun is shining.  It”™s time to catch our collective breath before the insanity of this summer kicks off, so here are some songs to listen to whilst we do so.  The title song is of course The Smiths”™ classic and sets the tone I”™m looking for; uplifting songs to elate, inspire, brighten and (especially) embolden.

I saw the Infadels at Glastonbury a few years ago.  I was grumpy, exhausted and hungover after a brilliant (but sleepless) Friday night until I stumbled across these guys in one of the dance tents.  An ice cream, the Infadels”™ set and some of my trademark awful dancing was more than enough to renew my enthusiasm for the rest of the weekend.

I”™ve picked two Ash songs – what of it?  If there”™s a band that soundtrack the beginning of a summer better than Ash I”™m yet to hear them.  If you like The Futureheads, by the way, they”™re playing the Guild Hall in Gloucester on 7 May.  I”™m going, so should you.

“Debaser” by The Pixies is a glorious song and an explanation of why it”™s on here would be pointless.  A song about debasing morality through art it may be (as far as I can tell) but dammit, it”™s a singalong

The inclusion of R.E.M.”™s “Shiny Happy People” on a playlist of uplifting songs nicely sums up the limits of my imagination but if you can listen to this without smiling then you must be a cold, dead automaton with the personality of a cheap toaster.  Stay away from me you soulless freak.

“Motorcycle Emptiness” by the Manic Street Preachers may be a ludicrous cock-rock anthem from a band who loved to talk up their punk credentials but who cares?  Put on your daftest sunglasses, put your fist in the air and enjoy it.

I was roundly mocked at school for liking Radiohead: “Alright Base, are you going home to listen to some Radiohead and slit your wrists?  Durrr-hurr-hurr”.  I”™ve always found them pretty uplifting though and “You” is the best song on their first album.

And now an inspirational quotation to end on: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” – Michael Hutchence


Good morning! Feeling a lot happier today – found my little ginger kitty (thank buggery, tbh), and have just found out that Broken Social Scene are playing in Birmingham in June after I spent days moping around when London tickets sold out :D So, who”™s coming? SPOTISFACTION MEET-UP HAPPY TIMES ARE NAO!


It”™s Friday! We”™re alive! The weather is”¦ uh”¦ ok, I guess. So, today calls for an upbeat, uplifting playlist to celebrate. And, no better man for the job than Mr. Dan Base! *applause*.

Will hand you over to The Basinator shortly, but before I do I wanted to say a couple of things.

Part The First: Such a good shout on the Incubus track, man. Truly inspired.

Part The Second: Kids, thanks for all the submissions. Still steadily ticking over even after a couple of weeks, which is mind-bogglingly awesome. If you”™re reading/listening and are inspired to make one of your own, please do. We play every single one that gets submitted.

Safe as trucks!

Get the playlist WHILE IT”™S HOT”¦

  1. Ash – Walking Barefoot
  2. The Rolling Stones – Gimme Shelter
  3. Pixes – Debaser
  4. The Coral – Pass It On
  5. The Futureheads – Decent Days And Nights
  6. Radiohead – You
  7. Sonic Youth – Kissability
  8. Millencolin – No Cigar
  9. Blind Melon – No Rain
  10. Incubus – Summer Romance (Anti-Gravity Love Song)
  11. Ash – Angel Interceptor
  12. Jimmy Eat World – A Praise Chorus
  13. Skunk Anansie – Lately
  14. Super Furry Animals – Hello Sunshine
  15. The Cure – Just Like Heaven
  16. Pearl Jam – State Of Love And Trust
  17. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate Son
  18. Infadels – Make Mistakes
  19. The Beach Boys – God Only Knows
  20. Queen – You”™re My Best Friend
  21. R.E.M. – Shiny Happy People
  22. Madness – It Must Be Love
  23. Manic Street Preachers – Motorcycle Emptiness
  24. Supergrass – Moving
  25. The Smiths – There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

There is a light and it never goes out

It”™s spring and the sun is shining.  It”™s time to catch our collective breath before the insanity of this summer kicks off, so here are some songs to listen to whilst we do so.  The title song is of course The Smiths”™ classic and sets the tone I”™m looking for; uplifting songs to elate, inspire, brighten and (especially) embolden.

I saw the Infadels at Glastonbury a few years ago.  I was grumpy, exhausted and hungover after a brilliant (but sleepless) Friday night until I stumbled across these guys in one of the dance tents.  An ice cream, the Infadels”™ set and some of my trademark awful dancing was more than enough to renew my enthusiasm for the rest of the weekend.

I”™ve picked two Ash songs – what of it?  If there”™s a band that soundtrack the beginning of a summer better than Ash I”™m yet to hear them.  If you like The Futureheads, by the way, they”™re playing the Guild Hall in Gloucester on 7 May.  I”™m going, so should you.

“Debaser” by The Pixies is a glorious song and an explanation of why it”™s on here would be pointless.  A song about debasing morality through art it may be (as far as I can tell) but dammit, it”™s a singalong

The inclusion of R.E.M.”™s “Shiny Happy People” on a playlist of uplifting songs nicely sums up the limits of my imagination but if you can listen to this without smiling then you must be a cold, dead automaton with the personality of a cheap toaster.  Stay away from me you soulless freak.

“Motorcycle Emptiness” by the Manic Street Preachers may be a ludicrous cock-rock anthem from a band who loved to talk up their punk credentials but who cares?  Put on your daftest sunglasses, put your fist in the air and enjoy it.

I was roundly mocked at school for liking Radiohead: “Alright Base, are you going home to listen to some Radiohead and slit your wrists?  Durrr-hurr-hurr”.  I”™ve always found them pretty uplifting though and “You” is the best song on their first album.

And now an inspirational quotation to end on: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” – Michael Hutchence



Yo. Today is Thursday, and it”™s a doozy. Thought I”™d start by sharing this nugget from Mr. Andrew WK:

Get today”™s playlist ””””””-> HERE

Blurbles underneath, and such.


  1. Machinefabriek – Porselein
  2. Sun Kil Moon – Exit Does Not Exist
  3. The Big Eyes Family Players – For Gorecki
  4. Sun Kil Moon – Carry Me, Ohio
  5. Benjamin Finger – Woods of Broccoli
  6. Nils Frahm – Ambre
  7. Message To Bears – Running Through Woodland
  8. Eluvium – Prelude For Time Feelers
  9. Adrian Crowley – Theft By Starlight
  10. F.S. Blumm – Fehlsprung
  11. Alasdair Roberts – Com, My Darling Polly
  12. Damian Jurado – Omaha
  13. Small Sur – Ohhhhh Part 1
  14. Beneva, Clark Nova – Two Men Being Hospitalized When Only One Had To Be
  15. Murcof – Lully”™s “Turquerie” As Interpreted By An Advanced Script
  16. Vladislav Delay – Melankolia
  17. Sunburned Hand Of The Man – Nice Butterfly Mask
  18. Proem – Bites Their Tongue
  19. Monolake – Tetris
  20. Access To Arasaka – Monoscan
  21. Venetian Snares – Vida
  22. Autechre – Fermium
  23. Amon Tobin – The Lighthouse
  24. Clint Mansell – “We”™re Not Programs, GERTY, We”™re People”
  25. Aphex Twin – Blue Calx

Today is a bit dark, I”™m afraid. Got some stuff going on that I won”™t bore you with (side note: if any of you see a small ginger kitten wondering the streets of Tredworth, pick him up and gimme a call), and it”™s bled into my playlist so I”™m sorry but this one”™s not a workday pick-me-up.

I won”™t write too much about why these songs are personal to me, but I”™ll pick out some of my standouts. I hope that some of the choices resonate with you too. That”™s what I love about this whole Spotisfaction endeavour – it gives such an amazing insight into someone”™s whole being. So thanks for sharing with us, and allowing us to do the same.

I”™m really proud of the transition between Benjamin Finger”™s “Woods of Broccoli” and Nils Frahm”™s “Ambre”. Those two songs are completely complimentary to each other, almost two halves of the same track. I”™m not sure where I heard of Nils Frahm, but I gave Benjamin Finger a shot after a mammoth click-through session on Spotify. Very glad that I did. Going out to buy the “Woods of Broccoli” LP ASAP. Gentle nostalgia and breathtakingly sad piano parts make both of these tracks jump out at me.

Adrian Crowley is someone I”™ve never really given enough credit to. He”™s got such a haunting sound. “Theft By Starlight” is depressing, soul-destroying, and yet so utterly beautiful it hurts. In-fact, this whole section of the playlist I find very tough to listen to, but by equal measures so rewarding too.

The start of the “glitchy” section of the playlist is marked by Beneva vs Clark Nova. I”™m not going to lie, I”™d never heard of them but I randomly found them on a Mixloud experimental/glitch cloudcast. Please make sure you check out Mixcloud – it”™s completely amazing. Moving into this latter half of the playlist, I wanted to try and get over my self-induced slump by playing some tracks I”™d either not heard in a while (in the case of Autechre, Venetian Snares and Amon Tobin) or wanted to explore a bit more. The tracks in this half of the list represent a time in my life just after I finished Uni, but before I found full-time work. These tracks are permiated by a solid theme, but are hectic and unfocussed at times, brutally self-indulgant at others, relentlessly forward-thinking and always challenging. I think the music here reflects my life during that time a lot more than I realised. The whole purpose of including these tracks here was to act as a reminder that I”™m not that same person, nor do I have to be. I know that sounds wanky and pretentious, but hey.

Finished with one of my all-time favourite Aphex Twin tracks, “Blue Calx”. Stunning.

Love and stuff.

Yo. Today is Thursday, and it”™s a doozy. Thought I”™d start by sharing this nugget from Mr. Andrew WK:

Get today”™s playlist ””””””-> HERE

Blurbles underneath, and such.


  1. Machinefabriek – Porselein
  2. Sun Kil Moon – Exit Does Not Exist
  3. The Big Eyes Family Players – For Gorecki
  4. Sun Kil Moon – Carry Me, Ohio
  5. Benjamin Finger – Woods of Broccoli
  6. Nils Frahm – Ambre
  7. Message To Bears – Running Through Woodland
  8. Eluvium – Prelude For Time Feelers
  9. Adrian Crowley – Theft By Starlight
  10. F.S. Blumm – Fehlsprung
  11. Alasdair Roberts – Com, My Darling Polly
  12. Damian Jurado – Omaha
  13. Small Sur – Ohhhhh Part 1
  14. Beneva, Clark Nova – Two Men Being Hospitalized When Only One Had To Be
  15. Murcof – Lully”™s “Turquerie” As Interpreted By An Advanced Script
  16. Vladislav Delay – Melankolia
  17. Sunburned Hand Of The Man – Nice Butterfly Mask
  18. Proem – Bites Their Tongue
  19. Monolake – Tetris
  20. Access To Arasaka – Monoscan
  21. Venetian Snares – Vida
  22. Autechre – Fermium
  23. Amon Tobin – The Lighthouse
  24. Clint Mansell – “We”™re Not Programs, GERTY, We”™re People”
  25. Aphex Twin – Blue Calx

Today is a bit dark, I”™m afraid. Got some stuff going on that I won”™t bore you with (side note: if any of you see a small ginger kitten wondering the streets of Tredworth, pick him up and gimme a call), and it”™s bled into my playlist so I”™m sorry but this one”™s not a workday pick-me-up.

I won”™t write too much about why these songs are personal to me, but I”™ll pick out some of my standouts. I hope that some of the choices resonate with you too. That”™s what I love about this whole Spotisfaction endeavour – it gives such an amazing insight into someone”™s whole being. So thanks for sharing with us, and allowing us to do the same.

I”™m really proud of the transition between Benjamin Finger”™s “Woods of Broccoli” and Nils Frahm”™s “Ambre”. Those two songs are completely complimentary to each other, almost two halves of the same track. I”™m not sure where I heard of Nils Frahm, but I gave Benjamin Finger a shot after a mammoth click-through session on Spotify. Very glad that I did. Going out to buy the “Woods of Broccoli” LP ASAP. Gentle nostalgia and breathtakingly sad piano parts make both of these tracks jump out at me.

Adrian Crowley is someone I”™ve never really given enough credit to. He”™s got such a haunting sound. “Theft By Starlight” is depressing, soul-destroying, and yet so utterly beautiful it hurts. In-fact, this whole section of the playlist I find very tough to listen to, but by equal measures so rewarding too.

The start of the “glitchy” section of the playlist is marked by Beneva vs Clark Nova. I”™m not going to lie, I”™d never heard of them but I randomly found them on a Mixloud experimental/glitch cloudcast. Please make sure you check out Mixcloud – it”™s completely amazing. Moving into this latter half of the playlist, I wanted to try and get over my self-induced slump by playing some tracks I”™d either not heard in a while (in the case of Autechre, Venetian Snares and Amon Tobin) or wanted to explore a bit more. The tracks in this half of the list represent a time in my life just after I finished Uni, but before I found full-time work. These tracks are permiated by a solid theme, but are hectic and unfocussed at times, brutally self-indulgant at others, relentlessly forward-thinking and always challenging. I think the music here reflects my life during that time a lot more than I realised. The whole purpose of including these tracks here was to act as a reminder that I”™m not that same person, nor do I have to be. I know that sounds wanky and pretentious, but hey.

Finished with one of my all-time favourite Aphex Twin tracks, “Blue Calx”. Stunning.

Love and stuff.


Link: Mukinabaht: Save Our Interwubs
I haven”™t had chance to post recently, it”™s been a pretty wild April that has managed to near bankrupt me. Lots of news, lots of news. I”™d planed to update later this week with enough stuff to make up for the last week or so of quiet. However, this couldn”™t really wait. The Digital Economy Bill
Sit up and take note, people. This is important. It damn well is. Trust me, sitting this one out will piss the Spotisfaction boys to no end. So make sure you damn well read it. And ACT, for the love of God. Unless you are a soul-less, ball-less no brain who is happy to sit on and smile whilst the condiments that are your liberties are being taken from the dinner table that is your life. I for one love a bit of wasabi. Don”™t let them take our wasabi!

Link: Mukinabaht: Save Our Interwubs

I haven”™t had chance to post recently, it”™s been a pretty wild April that has managed to near bankrupt me. Lots of news, lots of news. I”™d planed to update later this week with enough stuff to make up for the last week or so of quiet. However, this couldn”™t really wait.

The Digital Economy Bill

Sit up and take note, people. This is important. It damn well is. Trust me, sitting this one out will piss the Spotisfaction boys to no end. So make sure you damn well read it. And ACT, for the love of God. Unless you are a soul-less, ball-less no brain who is happy to sit on and smile whilst the condiments that are your liberties are being taken from the dinner table that is your life. I for one love a bit of wasabi. Don”™t let them take our wasabi!