Hey hey Spotisfaction crew! Bit of a rush of things this morning so I may have to be brief. I’d like to echo Dave P’s Black Ops shout out – add me on Xbox live (Mr Strangent) for some zombie nonsense. Saw Holy Fuck on Monday night at the Electric Ballroom, absolutely incredible; I’ve been a very lucky boy for amazing gigs this year, and long may it continue.
Still always need your playlist submissions. You don’t want to hear from me all the time do you? We love all the quirky little playlists and all the reasons you guys listen to the music you do, so all those playlists you’ve got saved on the right hand bar of your Spotify account? Think about submitting them!
Now, on to today’s playlist, a great showcase of the Old Guard still making great music, from Dave Christensen.
A couple of weeks ago I was reading an article asking how Keith Richards could still be alive (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-11621076). They don”™t really answer the question (best explanation comes from David Quantick ”“ “It’s almost as though others die so that Keith Richards may live”), but he is still alive and has recently released an autobiography and a greatest hits album of his solo work.
In general, a sub-theme of this year seems to have been new albums from some of the elder statesmen of rock, from Jerry Lee Lewis through to Phil Collins; many former giants have been releasing new albums this year. Fortunately, in the way that the American Recordings of Johnny Cash or the Daniel Lanois-Bob Dylan albums did, many of them have used the age of the artist to their advantage in taking them back to their roots or stripping back to a more basic sound and on the whole they”™re not trying to be something they”™re not. Some are covers albums; others are originals ”“ either way the songs on this playlist are from albums that deserve a play. These guys might be old, but they”™ve still got it.