Some exciting Spotisfaction news for your delectation this afternoon:
Firstly, some housekeeping. As some of our more observant readers may have already noticed, we decided to stop being cheap and have bought ourselves a new domain name! is now officially Feel free to change your bookmarks, innit. Way to be more professional, Spotisfaction! We”™ve also added a few links underneath our title frame including a new ”˜About Us”™ section, which I encourage you to check out.
Secondly, we will very shortly be expanding our blog section to include music news, reviews and features (among other things we haven”™t thought of yet). These will be in addition to our 3 playlists a week – which aren”™t going anywhere – and will hopefully be community-driven, ie, written by you good folks. Here”™s your chance to release your inner opinionista. If you saw an awesome gig recently, chuck us a review. Think it”™s a travesty that hardly anyone has heard a particular album? Send us a short piece on why you think everyone sucks for not listening to it. More info incoming shortly, but in the meantime consider this your advance warning to get writin”™.
Spotisfaction is constantly growing – get involved and get your voice heard.
To help us drive this forward, we”™ve brought in a couple of brand spanking, shiny new editors. Please give a nice, warm, slightly soggy Spotisfaction welcome to James TAE and Ben Hawling – you”™ll begin to see posts from these lovely chaps very shortly indeed.
Thirdly, we”™re working furiously behind the scenes on getting Spotisfaction out to the masses. No official announcement to make just yet as we”™re still hammering out the details, but expect good things shortly. Sorry for being vague, but these are ridiculously exciting times”¦ plus I wanted to be a bit cryptic and mysterious for once :P
Finally, a thank you. All of these changes were bought about after reading your feedback. We exist because of and thanks to you guys. Thanks for your support. As always, if we can do anything to improve Spotisfaction, please let us know.
PS. If any of you lovely folks is a whizz with Photoshop and/or webdesign, please get in touch at – we may have a job for you. HEARTS AND STUFF.